Wellness At The Center has implemented Co-Vid 19 protocols to protect our patients, providers and all of our community, especially those most at risk such as the elderly and those with compromised immune health. These are based on the guidelines for re-opening to non-urgent procedures oublished by Oregon’s governor, Kate Brown, as well as recommendations from our state and national professional organizations. A brief outline of the protocols follows below.

For Patients:
Patients should not come in if in the last 5 days they have:
– Had any symptoms of a cold or respiratory infection or confirmed diagnosis of CoVid -19
– Had any fever, cough or unexplained shortness of breath
– Been in contact with anyone who has tested positive with CoVid-19 in the last 5 days
If any of the above apply, you cannot be seen at the clinic and should reschedule until clear or consider a telemedicine appointment for supplements or an herbal prescription. No late cancellation fee applied in case of cancellation for illness.
All patients are asked to put a card on file at this time for contactless payments or pay cash with exact amounts, not requiring change.
Office Procedures:
– All surfaces are wiped down with approved sanitizing agents after each appointment and each room is left unoccupied while the air is run through a UV-C air purifier for a minimum of 90 min between appointments.
– Appointments are spaced out to reduce patient overlap and ensure adequate time for sanitization.
– A Germ Guardian UVC and HEPA air purifier is in use around the clock.
– A RabbitAir BioGS 2.0 Ultra Quiet HEPA Air Purifier is in use which circulates the air in the office every hour and will filter larger particles that may carry the virus.
– Patients are given sanitized, rubber slippers to replace their shoes upon entering the clinic.
– Upholstered furnishings have been removed and replaced with hard surfaces for better sanitization.
– Hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes are readily available as well as a surgical mask if patients do not arrive with their own face covering.
Provider Protocols:
– Providers monitor their temperature and oxygen levels daily, canceling all appointments if readings are outside of normal limits immediately to self-monitor and quarantine for 5 days.
– Providers will cancel all appointments if they have any respiratory symptoms, fever, or come in to contact with anyone testing positive for CoVid-19 and will not resume for 5 days or until symptoms resolve.
– Providers will wear an approved KN95 mask as allowed by Phase-1 reopening guidelines at all times when patients are present and whenever working in treatment rooms or waiting areas.
– Providers will continue to adhere to strict hand washing guidelines per national standards of Clean Needle Technique.
– Providers wear designated clothing and footwear that remain in the clinic for each shift. Providers will wear clean clothing to the clinic and remove footwear immediately upon entering, placing personal clothing in the utility area and changing in to clean designated “scrubs” which are washed each day at the clinic.